Việt Nam

From practice. For your success.

We think of ourselves as providers of comprehensive solutions for your specific needs. For more than 70 years. At our headquarters in Germany as well as at our laboratories which are located around the globe. This means we put our expertise at your service at every point of the supply chain. Thus, you save yourself time and effort requesting the expertise from a different service provider every time.

So that you can get an idea of our holistic approach, we have compiled some examples from our daily work.

Case studies

Here are some more examples on how our partnerships produce innovative solutions.

Car­hartt puts fit in mo­tion data be­hind work­wear de­ve­lop­ment.

Carhartt knows that fit and range of motion are critical to good workwear. The function-first workwear brand used Hohenstein's 4D scanning research to prove that gussets improve range of motion.